In the beginning there wasn’t even a void. There were thoughts. Multiple, small thoughts, going round and round each other, sometimes through. They were barely separate.
In time (if such existed) the thoughts grew clearer and larger. More complex. A thought suddenly connected with itself and realised it was a being. It existed.
A thought became a being. The being observed itself, its surroundings (or lack of) and the other thoughts. It touched a thought, which understood and became a being. They studied each other. The first being reached out, young and uncertain. The second being reached out, and the two beings touched.
The beings thought, and shared thoughts. They understood that they were different now. Before, everything had been one and the same, in different parts, but the same. Now they were something else. They could touch, but they could not merge to become one.
The second being asked about this from the first being, but it did not know an answer. Curiously, they decided to draw one more thought into them, and both reached out, like one, linked to each other. A large thought twisted around itself and became a being, full of wonder. It joined the two others. The beings quieted down, pushed close to each other and wondered.
They searched their existence, trying to find a link to that something that had changed the first one. And eventually, the first being found it. Drawing the other two beings close it concentrated to move through their existence, to go where the channge had come. The second and third being helped the first, and they broke through, leaving the thoughts behind. A fine nonexistant thread still connected them to the thoughts, who were beginning to notice a difference.
The beings floated in a void, without body or mass, invisible. All around them was emptiness, and far away for physical things there were lights, stars, planets. The void wasn’t anything, not dark or light and they were used to it. But what they saw in the void...
The two younger beings huddled closer to the first one, who merely felt curiosity. They could see a world. A blue and green ball, where they could feel so many thoughts. But these thoughts were so different, so strange. The thoughts of this world were not the one, not the same, but each separate and complex, more even than what they had became.
The first being went closer, the younger ones reluctantly following it. At the edge of the surrounding layer of protection of the world, they paused. Maintaining a link, they let go of each other, and dove into the world, one at a time.
The first being saw a human and was amazed. It looked at humans. It followed them, reading them, listening to them. The humans were incredible. Slowly, the first being began to change. It grew a shape. Were once it had touched the other beings with just a thought, it now had hands. Were once it had just floated, it grew legs. Were its mind was, it had a face. A woman smiled and walked along the humans, learning.
The second being saw a tree and was amazed. It looked at trees, it touched them, listened to them. The trees were incredible. The second being also began to change, growing roots, gaining branches, flowing with inner sap and energy. The being went into a tree, moving from root to root, flowing along the trees, learning.
The third being was most uncertain. It could feel the other two changing, but was reluctant to follow them. It delved deeper and deeper into the very core of the world, seeking its life. The third being saw the core and was amazed. The sheer power it felt within the core enveloped the being, and it simply stayed there, feeling everything. The third being began to change. It did not grow a shape, but took some of the power from around itself and molded itself.
Eventually, if time had ever passed for them, the beings decided they had learned enough and wished to share their experiences with each other. They went to each other and touched.
The first being excitedly gave all that she had. The second being laughed and took the shape of a woman as well. The third being smiled and took the shape of a man. The second being was eager to share and slowly let the other two know of trees and all that made the plants be, their existence together. The first and the third being were impressed. Then the third being smiled, closed its eyes and shared some of its power it had taken from the core to the other two.
They were all satisfied to understand that they had become even more than ever before. A realisation came to each of them at the same time and they spoke for the first time.
“Life!” each whispered.
“I am”, the first being said quietly, smiling with wonder.
“I am”, the second being said as well, turning to smile to the first one.
“I am”, the third being nodded, content.
“I am... happy”, the second said.
“Yes”, the third said. “We are happy.”
“We have come far”, the first then said.
“Where will we go then?” the second asked.
“Shall we go and learn more?” the third asked eagerly. The first being pondered.
“We have learned much. We know of all that life is. This world has taught us everything we need.”
“But we could go and take more”, the third said, but this was not met with enthusiasm.
“We should not take too much, lest we destroy the life”, the first said.
“We should make it grow instead”, the second said.
“But it already grows just fine on its own there. They don’t need us”, the third pointed out.
“Yes. This world is not for us. It has taught us, so now we must go and make life elsewhere”, the first said. The other beings pondered this.
“We will return to the thoughts?” the second asked.
“We must make life, now. The other thoughts have surely learned from us, but we will be the ones with the power”, the first said.
“And the shape”, the third said.
“How different will we become?” the second asked, pulling the other two closer to her, suddenly a little afraid.
“Very different. But it will be good. We will never be completely apart”, the first being said in comforting tones.
“We are united one with all we have learned, away from each other, but together”, the third said.
“We exist separate”, the first one whispered. “And we always will.” They looked at each other, but relaxed as the first one smiled. Then they cast a farewell look and a thought to the world, which was oblivious to their existence, and left.
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